Our Wish ListDOGS: KONGS - Small, Med, & Large Sizes Kennel Risers (Gets dogs off Damp Floor) check out our website for Donate A Bed Program, (Kuranda) Frontline & Heart-guard (ALWAYS Needed) for Dogs and Cats & Kittens & Puppies Collars - all sizes (metal buckle style) Anti Pull Harness (Wal-Mart $10.00 all sizes) Canned Science Diet (Adult & Puppy) SOFT FOOD or Pro Plan Puppy or Adult Soft. Chew Toys – Nyla-Bones (Xlg or Lg), Rope Toys, etc. Heat Lights / Bulbs/ Flood Lights Medium Size DOG Heating Pads, (Used for sick dogs and cats) NON CHEWABLE Bowls - food/water (Stainless Steel) Large & Medium Water Buckets Gift Cards to Petco, PetsMart, Walmart, Bucheits, Writes Bld. Center Milk Bones, Hot Dogs (For Giving pills) Purina Small Bites/Science Diet Small Bite & Adult/ Pedigree/ Kibbles & Bits (Hard Food) Peanut Butter…to fill KONGS Up, (we freeze them and it occupies them for hours) Instant Potatoes Gift Card for Wrights Building Center (For Repairs at Shelter) Gas Cards for Transport Van / or Oil Changes General Cleaning & Office Supplies (This is always needed) Hoses & Sprayer nozzles….We go through these a lot Paper Towels, Toilet Cleaner & Toilet Paper, Hand Soap Trash Bags Bleach, Lysol, Squeegees, Car Wash Scrubbing Brushes (Soft), Mop Buckets (On Wheels) Laundry Soap Copy Paper & Toner Cartridge (Call for Type), Hand Sanitizer, Liquid Dish Soap, Sponges, and Scrub Sponges. Fly Away Spray, Fly Strips (to Hang) Brooms w/Dust Pan and Large Push Brooms for Kennels’. A NECESSITY BEFORE SUMMER HITS:We need DONATIONS to put a cover over the play area outside for the animals where there is no shade in the summer and the heat in unbearable. The cost for the cover would be 8500.00 +/-. With the big shade tree gone now it is full sun in the play yard and this summer will be HOT out there, and RCHS would love to get it covered before the weather turns too hot for the dogs to be able to enjoy being outside. Without the cover they will be forced to stay inside 23+/- hours per day. ** (THIS WOULD BE A GREAT TAX WRITE OFF FOR ANYONE/BUSINESS) ** The Size Of Car Port Type Building (“ 85ft Long x 35ft” Wide). This would cover every pen outside and give room to cover 2 EXTRA Large Pens. Also RCHS would like to build on to the front of the shelter and make the now office into the Future Quarantine/ possible Cat Room. Right now the cats are exposed to the dogs, and when they get sick it spreads back and forth. RCHS can’t afford to pay for all materials, but with fundraisers, we can get some of it. Anyone who has the materials and would want to donate for any of the projects, please let us know. Our average cost to get a dog ready for adoption is +/- $230.00, not including any extras that we do because we care for them so much. This doesn’t include any emergency surgery/heartworm treatment/etc. That would be additional expense on top. The average costs do not include Heating, Water, Electric, Washer / Dryer Breakdown, over all building maintenance issues. State Licenses, & Vehicle Plates, & Maintenance, Insurance (Van & Building) Transport Cost (Fuel). Saving animals, one by one is an expensive business, and we can’t do it without you. Our average monthly shelter cost to operate is $4,800 per month +/- barring any unforeseen circumstances, of which there is always at least one.