Golden Retriever (long coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Senior : : Medium
Chopper’s owner got a BIG promotion, and they are moving out of the area. Suddenly Chopper was about to become another “throw away” , even though they had him since he was an 8 week old baby. He has lived his entire life outside. He is now almost 8 yrs old. We got another call from the vet. Would we be willing to take in a senior dog ? Of course we would. He is a wonderful dog. He is super gentle, and he has cried several nights for his family. What a shame ! We had Chopper neutered, vaccinated, heartworm tested, and micro-chipped. Who is willing to take such a gentle guy and offer him a loving home for the time he has left on this earth ? Is it you ? Are you willing to give him love and comfort, and a warm place to lay his head ? If you would like to share your home and your heart contact and ask for an application. More about ChopperGood with Dogs, Good with Kids
ALL Pre-Adopt must be filled out FIRST and
to be considered.
**** Any
Incomplete Pre-Adopts will not be considered,
We are Volunteers and our time is very important to us also and we cannot waist it on
incomplete adoption applications. Please be respectful and sensitive to our time we give to these animals and our mission to save lives.
Adoption fees, homechecks, and references are required. ALL of us
at RCHS work very hard to save these precious lives, and our only pay we get as volunteers, is a GOOD HOME LIFE for them, we all are volunteers, so please be patient and considerate of our time and responses.
DONATIONS is how we feed and care for them so anything is welcome and or can be made thru PAYPAL Donate Button. Our website is
or can be mailed to: P.O. Box 59 Sparta, IL 62286 (Phone: 618-443-3363) Please leave message if no answer, we will get back with you as soon as we can.